这两天一直在搞tomcat的集群,网络上很多资料都是过时的,还有很多是错误的,不过没关系,我一般不看中文资料,一是翻译不到位,二是那些SB根本不 知道怎么去翻译一些专有名词,就像洋人始终理解不到成语的意思一样,tomcat的documents里面有一个简单的clustering,先用上,因 为javagroups使用的也是多播,和tomcat自带的这个是一个原理,在网络良好的状态下,这种方式应该没什么问题,虽然是执行的会话all to all copy,tomcat也说了,下一个发行版本会推出适用于大型集群的session复制体系,5.5是beta的,我想是不是要等到6.0哦。
In this release of session replication, Tomcat performs an all-to-all replication of session state. This is an algorithm that is only efficient when the clusters are small. For large clusters, the next release will support a primary-secondary session replication where the session will only be stored at one or maybe two backup servers. In order to keep the network traffic down in an all-to-all environment